Jack is in a bad way, he is CONSTIPATED! So, constipated that when he does finally poo (after a suppository) he bleeds. The poor boy acts like he is giving birth, to a BRICK! It is the saddest thing I have seen. The little boy prances around crying all day long. Saying "poo" in the saddest of sad voices. He cries every time he feels the urge. I have changed his diet according to the Dr.'s recommendations. Jack is not drinking any milk, eating cheese or yogurt. He isn't eating any more banana's or apples. He is drinking a lot of juice (which is a treat at our house), eating granola bars, graham crackers and pears. I guess this is supposed to get things moving, but so far nothing but HARD, HARD yucky, painful stuff is happening down there.

Yes, we are still cloth diapering. I must say that this week has been pretty easy because of the lack of poo. The little man spends a lot of his day hunched over crying.
Any suggestions on what else I can try for my poor little guy?
With Alex having Down Syndrome constipation is one of our biggest problems too. In kids with poor muscle tone the bowels do not contract like a normal child. Every bowel movement is torture! We heard that MiraLax had been put over-the-counter and put him on it. WHAT A MIRACLE! DO not give him the full recommended dosage otherwise you will have a hershey fountain erupting all day long and it would give him terrible tummy aches but start out with just a little 1/2 or 1 teaspoon) with each beverage up to three times a day. It mixes into anything he can drink with no taste. It has worked wonders for us! You can get it at any store (Shopko, KMart, Albertson's, Macey's) It can be somewhat expensive when you use it long-term so if you can buy it at Costco or Sam's Club in the double pack. If you want stop by my house and I can give you a cup full to at least try before you go stocking up. You know where I live!
Poor little Jack. I don't any advice, but I am sorry! I hope that it gets better soon.
Poor Jack, I have had enough of that with my pregnancies. That I know it is horrible. I heard a mom just yesterday talking about having to give her little boy Mira Lax. She said her doctor said it was better to use that then make him scared of pooping. You don't want to go there.
You can also try Papaya juice and rub olive oil on his tummy. That can help but does not always. If it doesn't I too have heard that Miralax helps a lot.
Oh man!!! Poor Jack Jack! I can't imagine what he's going through! I wish I had some suggestions for you, I could talk to my friend who has the little boy with the GI issues, she dealt a lot with that. I hope he gets better soon!!! Let me know if you need any help with anything!
Poor Jack! We've had to use Miralax on a regular basis with Jeniel. It's the only thing we've found that helps.
Barrett went through a bout of this about two years ago. My friend brought over some of those little clementine oranges. He loved them, AND they helped!!
I had never tried clementines before, but now we are hooked.
THANK YOU for all of your suggestions. I am off to buy some oranges and miralaxx! I will let you know how it goes.
Thanks again for all of the help, you guys are awesome!
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