Just for kicks, this was taken 5 years ago! He sure has changed a lot since then!
I have been wanting to post about this all week and haven't gotten around to it, so today is the day!
I am so thankful for TRENTON! He is such an awesome kid and is such an example to me. On Sunday morning he woke up and got ready for church. I never have to wake him or encourage him to get ready or argue about going. Because he is part of the Deacon's, he has to be at the church 45 minutes before it starts. This alone is a feat, because our sacrament meeting starts at 8:30am. Every single week, Trenton is there, helping set up chairs and get things ready for all the meetings that are to take place that day. He takes this responsibility very seriously. This last Sunday, Jack had a cold, Addy had been up 1/2 the night crying, because she too has a cold and can't breathe very well and Hal had a headache. I was tired from being up most of the night with the kiddo's and so we opted to stay home from church. Trenton however said he was still going. Hal took him over at 7:45am and then the rest of us including Hallie went back to bed. Trenton stayed for all 3 hours of church. When I was his age I would never have gone to church by myself, I would have stayed home with the rest of the family. Sometimes I feel guilty for being his mother, he deserves to have a mom that sets a better example, that would do more to encourage him to be a righteous priesthood holder. I feel like I have let him down a little. We read our scriptures, have family prayers and once in a while do family home evening. I am not a scholar when it comes to doctrine. I don't push scouting, although he does go every week. I don't focus as much as I should on the Lord. I don't deserve to have a child that is this spiritual, righteous and an all around good kid. But, I am ever so thankful for his example to me and because of his example I can see the things that I should focus on and become better at.
Trenton has been so helpful this last week, he has been helping Hal out in the basement, he cleaned it all up and did everything Hal asked him to do. He is really focusing on getting some really GREAT grades this term and has just been really pleasant to be around. In fact, I can't wait for him to get home, and that is saying A LOT!
Okay that made me cry! Dang pg hormones!
Anyway, what an awesome son you have Suzie! What a good example he will be to his siblings.
What a great kid you have there!
I love Trenton! Give that kid a hug for me!
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