Monday, October 12, 2009

What Is This World Coming Too?

So, tonight Hal needed to borrow a tool to fix the car and our neighbor has this particular tool, so we went over to borrow it and ended up hanging out and chatting for a bit. Hal actually went to school with this guy and they were pretty good friends in high school and now he is our hometeacher - small world.


We we got home, Hal and Hallie had this conversation:

Hallie: "So, you and Hugh knew each other when you were kids?"

Hal: "Yes, as a matter of fact we went to Junior Prom together."

Hallie: "So, which one of you dressed up in a dress?"


Kristine said...

Ah HAHAHAHAHA!!! That's hilarious!!!

Darcy said...

She says the funniest things!

Kim said...

That's awesome!

Koreena said...

:) Funny!

Michelle S. said...

Yeah, which one!? I certainly don't remember!

Ahh, Hallie! I just love her so much! Give her a big squeeze for me, and then have Hal pull out the pictures for her to see him in his dress.