Got ya with that title didn't I!
When I first started thinking about cd'ing (cloth diapering) I never thought that I would actually find joy in it, I thought it would be something that would save me a little money, but that it would be a pain. In all actuality I thought that I wouldn't fully commit to it and that I would have spent money on something that I hated and gave up on and in the end LOST money on. I didn't realize that I would actually like it. I love looking at my kids in their cute diapers. I love how soft they are. I actually love doing diaper laundry, some how it has become rewarding to figure out a wash routine that works for me and our hard water. I love having stain-free diapers. I love that I have learned so much about doing laundry - I always thought that laundry was as easy as whites on hot, dark's on cold and everything goes in the dryer. I never worked at keeping my clothes stain free or following label directions. I love that it has brought out a different side in me, I like that I am doing a little something to help the planet. I like that it has challenged me to pick-up a sewing machine. I like researching all the different diapers, the brands, styles, materials. I am even having my sister knit me a couple of wool soakers (they are going to look something like this) so I can try out the au'natural approach. Yes, my husband thinks I have a OCD problem, he might be right, LOL!
I love my new hobby!
Here is a picture of my stash:
3 Bumgenius
3 Cherisa made diapers (a friend in my ward)
7 Coolababy diapers
4 DryBee's All in One's (2 for Jack & 2 for Addy)
12 pre-fold diapers (3 are embellished by me) and one Snappi (I am getting another one for Jack)
Inserts - They go inside a pocket diaper, this is the absorbent part of the diapers. I actually really like the micro-fiber towels, I buy them at Wal-Mart in the auto section, they are $5 for an 8 pack. I also bought some Zorb and have made a few of my own inserts (they are the pink/green polka dot ones). I also have a few other micro-fiber inserts from cotton babies and other various places.
I have also started using cloth wipes, mine are just baby wash cloths, but they work GREAT! So much easier than trying to pile poopy wipes on top of eacho ther and then transferring them into the garbage. Now everything just goes into the wash basket.
I have tried using Bummi's liners, I thought that it would be nice to be able to flush all the mess down the toilet, but they just seem to bunch up and not really help anything, so I had Hal make me a diaper sprayer!
Hal followed this tutorial on how to do it.
Addy just grew out of her All Together Diapers AIO's She had 12 of these, so I am needing to replace them with something else. My friend Cherisa, she is amazing, she has a great pattern for diapers and has found all the wonderful places to buy materials for them. She is even making little packets of diapers ready to be sewn! And she is willing to teach me how to sew pocket diapers, I have 6 that are going to come from that project, althougth I don't feel confidant in my sewing skills, so I have enlisted my step-MIL's help with these, she is a seamstress, so she should have NO problem whipping me up a few. I think they will end up costing me about $3 a diaper!
My wash routine is pretty simple.
First I pull out the inserts and then I rinse poo diapers with my diaper sprayer (Jack's only, Addy's don't have to be rinsed). I toss them into a bucket in my laundry room where I forget about them until it is time to do laundry. I then toss them all in the washing machine making sure that the Velcro laundry tabs are secure and all the snaps have been undone. Then I run a load on cold using Allen's Naturally, but this is going to change, I am going to start using Purex Free & Clear, it is cheaper and from what I understand it does just a good of a job. I also fill a downy ball up with vinegar and toss it in the wash. I run the wash with the extra rinse at the end, when it is finished I pull out the coolababy diapers because those aren't supposed to be washed on hot. I then run another wash cycle using HOT water and no soap. Then I throw all of the diapers (including the coolababy's) into the dryer, unless I notice a stain, if it is stained, then I lay it out in the sun, a sunny window works GREAT! The sun is magical, it makes those stains literally disappear before my eyes! When the dryer is done the pre-folds and AIO's are not dry, so those get laid out on a drying rack and I stuff and fold the rest of the diapers so they are ready for cute little bums.
10 months ago
1 comment:
Thanks so much for posting this informations Suzie! I have been reallt interested in CD, and I may just have to give it a try now!
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